I have been doing some thinking about the "Word of Wisdom". Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants is commonly refered to (in LDS circles) as the "Word of Wisdom". This is why most LDS members choose to not smoke or drink.
First a little background. This is a revelation given to Joseph Smith in 1833. Early on in the LDS Church, some of the members would use tobacco products in meetings. This led Joseph into thought about it and eventually took it to the Lord. D&C is the revelation that was given to Joseph.
Just reading this section and thinking about it one should realize this was from God. This was given in 1833... God wants us to take care of ourselves. His plan is the great plan of happiness. He knows that if we are healthy then we will be happier. D&C 89 tells us how to eat. It also warns us against the use of Tobacco and Alcohol products. This is more what I wanted to talk about.
Jesus Christ drank wine. It is clear in the scriptures that he did. So why would he recommend against it in our day?
D&C 89:4
4 Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation
I think that our Heavenly Father saw our day. He saw where alcohol use would go. He saw the alcohol corporations that we have today. These corporations do not care about anything except making money. He saw the pressure we would face to consume alcohol. He also saw the lives that would be destroyed.
Here are just a couple of alcohol related statistics:(alcohol-information.com)
- Drunk drivers are responsible for 50% of highway fatalities.
- Alcohol is a factor in nearly half of America's murders, suicides and accidental deaths.
- More than three fourths of female victims of nonfatal, domestic violence reported that their assailant had been drinking or using drugs.
- Underage drinking costs Americans nearly $53 billion annually. If this cost were shared equally by each congressional district, the amount would total more than $120 million per district.
- Individuals in stable marriages have the lowest incidence of lifetime prevalence of alcoholism ( 8.9%) as opposed to co-habiting adults who have never been married (29.2%).
- Approximately 14 million people in the United States are addicted to alcohol or abuse alcohol.
- 500,000 Americans who are dependent on alcohol are between the ages of 9 and 12.
I am thankful that I have never had a problem with alcohol abuse. I have met many people who have a hard time enjoying life without alcohol to enhance the experience. The freedom of alcohol use in time can become chains. I appreciate the freedom that I have in the choice of not using alcohol. The Lord always gives good council.
2 years ago
1 comment:
Amen! Those are some good thoughts. I am so glad to know that you all have a blog! I love the family pic.
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